Researchers from Spain and Denmark have discovered a technique for attacking cancer cells in the production of one of the origin-of-life molecules. The molecule that gave rise to…

It takes chemist Liaisan Khasanova less than a minute to turn an ordinary silica glass tube into a printing nozzle for a very special 3D printer. The chemist…

Scientists in New Zealand and Australia working at the level of atoms created something unexpected: tiny metallic snowflakes. Why’s that significant? Because coaxing individual atoms to cooperate…

Moore’s Law is quoted in many different forms.  Basically, area density is a primary focus.  If the difference between generations in a 30% reduction in dimensions, then the…

We’re in the mid-term of a government that’s placed a lot of emphasis on science and innovation for the future of the country. There’s been a lot of…

Message to my research team April 9, 2022 by ferniglab So today I sent this email as a reminder to the members of my research team. “I write this…

Cancer cells are incredibly adaptable, much like stem cells. Researchers from the University of Basel have discovered substances that artificially mature breast cancer cells of the very aggressive…