S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Rebalance: Let’s Invite the 18 Newest Members– Indexology ® Blog Site

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[{“display”:”Craig Lazzara”,”title”:”Managing Director, Index Investment Strategy”,”image”:”/wp-content/authors/craig_lazzara-353.jpg”,”url”:”https://www.indexologyblog.com/author/craig_lazzara/”},{“display”:”Tim Edwards”,”title”:”Managing Director, Index Investment Strategy”,”image”:”/wp-content/authors/timothy_edwards-368.jpg”,”url”:”https://www.indexologyblog.com/author/timothy_edwards/”},{“display”:”Hamish Preston”,”title”:”Head of U.S. Equities”,”image”:”/wp-content/authors/hamish_preston-512.jpg”,”url”:”https://www.indexologyblog.com/author/hamish_preston/”},{“display”:”Anu Ganti”,”title”:”Senior Director, Index Investment Strategy”,”image”:”/wp-content/authors/anu_ganti-505.jpg”,”url”:”https://www.indexologyblog.com/author/anu_ganti/”},{“display”:”Fiona Boal”,”title”:”Managing Director, Global Head of Equities”,”image”:”/wp-content/authors/fiona_boal-317.jpg”,”url”:”https://www.indexologyblog.com/author/fiona_boal/”},{“display”:”Phillip Brzenk”,”title”:”Managing Director, Global 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S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Rebalance: Let’s Invite the 18 Newest Members

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The S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats ®(* )consists of big-, mid-, and small-cap business in the U.S. that have actually raised their dividends for a minimum of 20 successive years. The index just recently concluded its yearly reconstitution on Jan. 31, 2024, which brought 18 brand-new members into this accomplished group. Accounting for the 3 removals, the index’s overall count increased from 121 to 136, which improves its general diversity and liquidity. This blog site will analyze the additions and removals through a size and sector lens and supply a take a look at the admirable performance history of constituents’ dividend boosts. Exhibition 2 information how the reconstitution impacted the S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats from a size point of view. Pre-reconstitution, the index had 77, 31 and 13 constituents in the

S&P 500 ® ,& S&P MidCap 400 ® and S&P SmallCap 600(* )® , respectively. The 15 net additions consisted of 12 net additions from the S&P 500, 4 additions from the S&P MidCap 400, and 1 net reduction from the S&P SmallCap 600. Post-reconstitution, there are 89, 35 and 12 constituents from the S&P 500, S&P MidCap400 and S&P SmallCap 600, respectively. As Exhibition 3 display screens, Energies and Industrials were the most significant recipients of the reconstitution, with their net counts increasing by 7 and 4, respectively. Industrials now consists of 30 constituents, 8 more than the next-highest sectors by count: Financials and Utilities, each with 22. After losing 2 constituents, Customer Staples dropped to the third-highest sector by count, with 19. The only constituent in the Interaction Solutions sector, John Wiley & & Sons, was gotten rid of from the index, leading to Interaction Solutions being the only GICS ®(* )sector without representation in the index.

A Long History of Dividend Development Exhibition 4 sums up the variety of constituents that have actually increased their dividends in five-year increments. Significantly, over half of constituents have actually increased their dividends for 35 years or longer, and over 36% have actually accomplished this task for 45 years or longer. These performance history are definitely good and show these business’ traditionally constant capability and desire to return increasing quantities of investor capital throughout several years.

The posts on this blog site are viewpoints, not recommendations. Please read our


S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats Rebalance: Fastenal in, Walgreens out
Wenli Costs Hao
Director, Elements and Dividends Indices, Item Management and Advancement

S&P Dow Jones Indices

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S&P 500

®(* )Dividend Aristocrats

®(* )looks for to track an elite group of business that have actually raised their dividends for a minimum of 25 successive years. This index has actually simply concluded its yearly reconstitution, which worked at the marketplace close on Jan. 31, 2024. Fastenal has actually been included, while Walgreens is out, which keeps the subscription list at 67 stocks. Presenting the Index’s Newest Member: Fastenal Business Fastenal is the most recent business to be contributed to this prominent index by raising its dividends for 25 successive years. This brand-new S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrat is a commercial supplier that offers products varying from fasteners to tools and has actually progressed into a supply chain service business. Since Dec. 31, 2023, Fastenal has a gross margin of 45.7%, 1 a return-on-equity of 34.5% and a low debt-to-equity ratio of 7.8%. Fastenal has a dividend yield of 2.3%, which remains in line with the 2.4% general yield of the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats.

A Long-Term Member Is out: Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.

Walgreens Boots Alliance was dropped from the index after the drug store chain lowered its quarterly dividends by 48% to 25 cents per share. The relocation comes as the business looks for to

enhance its long-lasting balance sheet and money position Walgreens had actually been a veteran member of the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats, having actually increased its yearly dividends for nearly 50 years. Nevertheless, this index’s strict approach needs the 25 years to be successive, and guidelines are guidelines.

The S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats Sector Breakdown

These modifications did not have a product effect on the general sector weights. As Exhibition 1 reveals, the index keeps its fairly big overweights in constant dividend-paying sectors such as Customer Staples and Industrials, with big underweights in IT, Interaction Solutions and Customer Discretionary. A Long History of Dividend Development While among the longer-standing members of the index was gotten rid of, Exhibition 2 reveals that majority of the existing constituents in the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats have actually grown their dividends for more than 40 years.


Taylor Ranta Oborski,

Fastenal Business Reports 2023 Yearly and 4th Quarter Profits

, Jan. 18, 2024.

The posts on this blog site are viewpoints, not recommendations. Please read our

Disclaimers The S&P Dividend Aristocrats Stay Criteria Beaters in Pan Asia While a lot of dividend techniques underperformed their particular standards in 2023, the

S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats ® remarkably surpassed the

S&P Pan Asia BMI

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by roughly 3.50% (see Exhibition 1). Additionally, regardless of the outperformance, the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats’ assessments and dividend yield stayed beneficial relative to the criteria (see Displays 3 and 4). This blog site will analyze these metrics in more information, in addition to offering an in-depth efficiency attribution for 2023. As Exhibition 1 reveals, the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats’ strong 2023 efficiency even more increased its long-lasting outperformance versus the S&P Pan Asia BMI. Returning to Dec. 31, 2001, the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats has actually surpassed the S&P Pan Asia BMI usually by 2.35% every year. Furthermore, this long-lasting outperformance has actually been accomplished while likewise providing a lower full-period volatility, optimum drawdown and disadvantage capture ratio. Exhibition 2 shows the 2023 efficiency attribution for the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats and S&P Pan Asia BMI. As displayed in the attribution analysis columns, the overall outperformance amounted to 3.50%, with 7.15% due to the bottom-up stock choice impact and -3.65% from the allotment or sector impact. Infotech was the biggest positive-contributing sector for the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats, at 10.20%, with 10.78% from the choice impact and -0.58% due to the allotment impact. The essential differentiator of the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats versus its criteria is the requirement that stocks should increase dividends per share for a minimum of 7 successive years. This filter, in addition to the payment and dividend yield filter, might predisposition the index towards choosing greater quality stocks given that the capability to regularly grow dividends over the long term can be a sign of monetary strength and discipline. Exhibition 3 shows the evaluation contrast and discount rate of the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats versus its criteria. The index is less expensive on all 3 metrics revealed, with a typical discount rate over the 3 metrics at roughly 34%. Disappointed in the table however essential however, is the return-on-equity (ROE) metric, which determines how effectively a business uses investor capital to create earnings. The S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats has a 9.9% ROE versus 9.1% for the S&P Pan Asia BMI since Dec. 29, 2023. As Exhibition 4 programs, the index’s dividend yield has actually been greater than the Pan Asia BMI’s dividend yield every year given that 2009. Additionally, the typical dividend yield for the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats was 3.42% versus 2.47% for the S&P Pan Asia BMI over this duration. Remarkably, the year-end 2023 dividend yield for the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats was 3.71%, 8.40% greater than its historic typical versus the S&P Pan Asia BMI’s year-end 2023 dividend yield of 2.57%, just 4% greater than its historic average.


Following a strong year of efficiency in 2023 thanks to its efficient bottom-up stock choice, the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats heads into 2024 holding a dividend yield and evaluation benefit over its criteria. For financiers looking for an index with these worth and dividend yield direct exposures, in addition to different quality and dividend filters, the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats Index is an alternative to think about.

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S&P DJI’s International Islamic Equity Standards Rose Almost 12% in the Last Quarter, Outshining Standard Standards in 2023

Take Legal Action Against Lee

Director and APAC Head of Index Financial Investment Technique S&P Dow Jones Indices Classifications


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Fixed Earnings,



Shariah-compliant standards, consisting of the S&P Global BMI Shariah and Dow Jones Islamic Market (DJIM) World Index, beat their traditional equivalents by about 0.5% throughout the quarter, extending their outperformance to over 5% for the year and 19.7% cumulative over the previous 5 years. Mainly driven by its outperformance in the U.S., the criteria

DJIM Established Markets Index stood apart for relative efficiency versus the traditional criteria in 2023. The DJIM World Emerging Markets Index was a laggard, tracking behind the traditional criteria in addition to the industrialized market equivalent (see Exhibition 1). Motorists of Shariah Index Efficiency in 2023 The outperformance of Shariah standards versus their traditional equivalents frequently enters focus through the lens of sectors. Throughout international stock exchange in general, a greater direct exposure to Infotech stocks within Islamic indices, no direct exposure to traditional Financials (consisting of banks) and less direct exposure to extremely indebted business (such as energies) were the significant motorists of the efficiency variation in 2015. The Infotech sector’s 53% gain played a huge part in 2023, adding to majority of the S&P Global BMI Shariah’s overall return. Energy, Utilities and Customer Staples were the only sectors with losses for the year, while their effect was minimal provided their little representation in the index (see Exhibition 2). International Sukuk Reversed in Q4 2023

The international sukuk market likewise had a strong quarter with a gain of 4.5%, as determined by the

Dow Jones Sukuk Index (ex-Reinvestment)

The criteria ended the year with a 5.5% return, falling a little except the 5.7% yearly return of the iBoxx USD Overall

, a worldwide USD-denominated financial investment grade bond criteria. The local MENA and GCC Bond & & Sukuk standards got 5.2%.

This short article was very first released in IFN Volume 21 Concern 3 outdated Jan. 17, 2024. The posts on this blog site are viewpoints, not recommendations. Please read our Disclaimers Tags

Dow Jones Islamic Indices,

Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index, GCC, international equities,

Monetary Advisors,

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Monetary Advisors, indexing, low volatility,

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