Better Lives at new novel beginning!

“Team engagement, Business progress and new talents on-board are
the happenings during the pandemic, certainly we are growing!”

It’s pandemic and lockdown situations we experience and the world seeking
differential thinking with a new novel beginning but we did it.  Featuring the happenings with our HR and the
team, that’s a powerful story to share.

make it!

  • Continued to maintain the team culture
  • Engaged the team
  • Introduced fascinating virtual events
  • Constant boosting up the team morale
  • Great spirits and positivity during lockdown
  • Opportunities to participate with family
  • Continued to grow the team and the business
  • Introduced new concepts
  • Opened a world of opportunities in a novel way

you notice, the inspiration gets transformed leaving out the challenges
fearlessly. We move forward with thoughts and actions every moment charging our
lives and our clients with betterment.

We are fortunate in this unfortunate situation

We are fortunate in this unfortunate situation
We are fortunate in this unfortunate situation

On-boarding new talents have tumbled globally and inevitably recession has laid-off many positions. But, we are glad to keep moving with On-board of members being added in various departments and projects. This has been continued  even during the outbreak of Covid situations. The hiring has been geared up with few on-boarders and for few others the offers has been released.

A virtual team engagement initiative FUNFRIDAYS Fascination 

A virtual team engagement initiative FUNFRIDAYS Fascination
A virtual team engagement initiative FUNFRIDAYS Fascination

Expediting wonderful emotional connections among the team which
provided them an extensively interactive session promoting the learning,
bonding, sharing, brain storming. Added to which was many memorable fun
interactions, experiences among projects and outside projects, this gave them
the feel of togetherness even when not under the same roof. The host team made
it work great for these wonderful virtual hangouts. Fostering connections with
fondness left the team with much fun and folic.

our team for healthy well-being

Culturally, we work towards the well-being and unlock the
complete potential of our team members to experience the completeness and gain
skilful accreditations. We take up each idea, brainstorming outputs, out of box
thinking for the wider views and publish it to go viral as to motivate them to
bring out their best of ideas and stay competitive. Out team members did take
this as an appreciation for their knowledge and works.

Chat Session with our team

Coffee Chat Session with our team
Coffee Chat Session with our team

This goes for 30 minutes at a random pick and a wonderful time experienced by each one of them, concluded to the look forward opportunity. Added laughter, sympathy, sharing and even conflicting over opinions goes endless and each of which turned to be a brilliant experience. Good that this session or the activity was introduced for the team.

services by our Technical Team

Innovative services by our Technical Team
Innovative services by our Technical Team
Innovative services by our Technical Team
Innovative services by our Technical Team

The evolving needs of our customers and their business requirements needed a transformation with betterment and challenging opportunities which was made possible by our technical team. Apparently, the legacy approach of our team has made customers look at digital capabilities in an opportunity manner for their ultimate better lives.

to the Remote+ working culture

Setting up things from in-office to the shift to remote working
culture was a significant experience where the transition was so successful for
deliverable, productivity, meetings, calendaring, collaboration and innovation.
We continue to offer the Remote+ working option to our team with the alternate
of available in-house workspace anytime on prior bookings. This has provided
the team with the flexibility to pre-design the comfort and convenience. We
look forward to continue this Remote+ working culture on a continued process.

– our unique concept with an opportunity

Our innovation extends in creating more opportunity and collaborating with us builds their confidence and enterprising skills. We have looked for modes in bringing out the leadership skills in the field of HR and so is the emergence of HR Intrepreneurship our unique concept that opens the world of opportunities. Glance through the link for the details.

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