EY GDS Interview Experience for Security Analyst 3

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This interview was for IAM Sailpoint, IIQ, and Cyberark specialists. I started my journey of interviews in EY by getting an HR call.

HR Call and Resume Selection: She was so humble and polite. She took all the required information from me and forwarded my resume. After 3-4 days I got the mail that my interview has been scheduled.

First Technical Interview: My first technical interview was sort of basics of IAM fundamentals and the work that I have been performing in my previous organization. Description of project, the data flow, Infrastructure of project, etc. It went well. I was able to answer all as it was regarding all my work.

Second Technical Interview: After 2-3 days I got mail that I am eligible for 2nd technical interview. So I joined the meeting and 2 interviewers were there. 

  • They were asking all the questions related to Sailpoint. 
  • What is SailPoint IIQ? 
  • Explain Identity Warehouse.
  •  What are the solution components in SailPoint? 
  • What do you know about lifecycle events? Explain the different types of provisioning. 
  • What are the types of certifications available in SailPoint?
  • What is an exclusion rule? Define Application onboarding. 
  • Explain the identity cube. 
  • List the different types of correlation in SailPoint.
  • Differences between roles and capabilities? 

I answered all the questions with examples that I have been performing in my daily routine. My interview went for 75 minutes. Overall it was a good experience. 

Telephonic HR call: The next day I got the HR call that they are considering me to offer. I was happy. I had a conversation with HR regarding compensation. After 2 days I got my offer letter. 


  • Prepare all the basic questions, even though you know them but you should define everything precisely, to be prepared for the definition of every basic thing.
  • Also whatever answers you are giving relate them to some live examples from your current project.
  • You should know everything regarding your current project.

All the best.

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