Autodesk Interview Experience for SDE Intern(On-Campus)

Online test pattern: No coding round was conducted

Interview Rounds:

Round 1: Technical round (1 hr)

This round started with my introduction followed by my resume, internship experience, and projects. Then he asked a DSA question to reverse a linked list in the k group. I told him about the recursive approach, he asked about time and space complexity and then he shared a google doc link and asked to write code. He was satisfied with my solution. Then he moved to the core subject and asked questions from OOPs, DBMS, and OS. I don’t exactly remember the questions. In the end, he asked me if I had any questions.

Round 2: Technical round (1 hr)

This round was a pure DSA round. First, he asked for my introduction. Then he asked DSA questions about Group Anagrams. First few minutes I was struggling with this question. I was approaching the solution in the wrong direction but he gave me a hint to solve it using sorting. Then I cracked it (Make sure to speak out loud what you think). He asked only approach. Then he asked another question Count the number of islands and said you have only 10 min. For this question, he wants only code not approach. I have already solved this question earlier so I wrote the code in 5 minutes. He asked to have you solve this question earlier. I said I have solved a similar problem, not the same. And the interview ended.

Round 3: Technical round + HR (1 hr)

This round started with my introduction. Then she asked how were your last two rounds and the name of the interviewer. She asked about my family background and my summer internship experience ( I was a Full Stack Developer at Uvi Health and she was one of the users) and asked questions like how many endpoints and features you have created and explain the logic behind them. Then she asked two easy DSA questions: Fibonacci number and swap two numbers without using extra variables. Then she asked HR questions like what do you know about Autodesk, where do you see yourself in the next 5 years, and strengths and weaknesses. In the end, she asked a few questions about computer fundamentals.

Round 4:  HR (30 min)

I was surprised when he said I will not ask about your introductions like other interviewers. And said this is HR round and according to you, how do you think it should be. What will you judge if you are an interviewer? After that he asked questions like, are you open to learning new technologies, what will you do if your teammate escaped before project submission, Are you an introvert or extrovert. In the end, he asked me if I had any questions.

Result: Selected

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: