How to create Gooey Balls animation using HTML & CSS ?

<!DOCTYPE html>





        body {

            display: grid;

            place-items: center;



        .loader {

            width: 70px;

            height: 70px;

            position: relative;

            z-index: 999;



        .loader::before, .loader::after {

            content: '';

            position: absolute;

            width: inherit;

            height: inherit;

            border-radius: 50%;

            mix-blend-mode: multiply;


                rotate92523 2s infinite cubic-bezier(0.77, 0, 0.175, 1);



        .loader::before {

            background-color: #5F8D4E;



        .loader::after {

            background-color: #6D9886;

            animation-delay: 1s;



        @keyframes rotate92523 {


            100% {

                left: 35px;



            25% {

                transform: scale(.3);



            50% {

                left: 0%;



            75% {

                transform: scale(1);








    <h1 style="color:green">



    <h3 style="color:green">

        Rotating pass through balls loader animation


    <div class="loader"></div>




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