BONUS: Drone Life News 004 – Parrot ANAFI AI, The All-New Skyfish Drones for Engineering, Google’s Wing App

In the fourth edition of Drone Life News, Paul and Miriam McNabb of DroneLife and JobforDrones discuss some of the latest and most exciting news from the world of drones.

Our biggest story this week is about Parrot’s new ANAFI AI drone. This unique drone comes with obstacle avoidance that is inspired by nature’s best flyers – insects.  Moreover, this is the first commercial drone to be 4G-connected – which means that you can fly easily even in areas of heavy magnetic interference. You will also learn how Parrot has managed to future-proof this drone to account for the fast-changing drone regulations.

Next up, you will learn about Google Wing’s new App, OpenSky – a free drone pilot app using which you can easily abide by FAA’s regulations. Apart from learning where to fly (and more importantly, where not to fly), you can also use this app to get permission to fly in controlled airspace.

The US-China trade wars have certainly boosted the prospects of various homegrown manufacturers. One such drone manufacturer is the Montana-based, Skyfish. Learn how Skyfish’s purpose-built technology is being used to create precise 3D models for engineering and critical infrastructure.

This is a show that you do not want to miss. Tune in now!

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  • [00:47] Google Wing’s free app, OpenSky makes it easier for drone pilots to comply with regulations 
  • [03:52] Learn about Parrot’s new, ANAFI AI drone inspired by…you will never guess it…insects!
  • [11:30] What’s critical infrastructure and how the FAA needs to step up.
  • [13:01]What is section 2209 and the tasks ahead for FAA
  • [14:06] What construes “critical infrastructure”? How a lack of clarity is resulting in confusion and eventually non-compliance
  • [15:07] What are some of the challenges that drone pilots face while flying around critical infrastructure?
  • [17:21] The responsibility for FAA and how other advocacy groups are interpreting federal authority and rules
  • [20:30] Skyfish’s new world-class drone technology for engineering and critical infrastructure

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: